Thursday, September 06, 2007

From Brussels ... A Quick Report

It's Sept. 6, and I'm still in Belgium. I'm at an Internet cafe in Brussels and I don't want to spend too much time on this machine, so I will keep this short.

The US men's shiai team got second place at the event. We lost to the Japanese team in the finals.

The US women's shiai team also got a silver.

The US rhythm team got third.

Team USA was shut out of all individual matches as well as the engi competition.

I passed the referees examination ...

I also passed my yondan test.

It was a grueling week.

I'll give a more thorough report later.


αἰών said...

congrats on 4dan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

anything else exciting happen in Brussels? I'm getting some reports from Marija and Patrick, but I want your perspective :P

I haven't gone to the naginata dojo here @ the butokuden yet...but shiet, totally not looking forward to getting my ass kicked for a year

αἰών said...

I just wanted to tell you...

that I have found an equivalent of your Saori here in Japan..

someone I chased and was inspired by..